Home School Agreement
The purpose of the Home School Agreement is to strengthen the partnership between parents and carers and the school to maximise children’s learning and happiness.
I will:
- Demonstrate our School Values at all times.
- Arrive at school on time.
- Be at school every day when I am well enough.
- Wear our school uniform with pride.
- Work hard and try my best.
- Look after my own property.
- Walk to school safely and sensibly whenever possible.
- Follow the e-safety code of conduct.
My Family will:
- Support the school’s expectations of learning and behaviour.
- Ensure I am in attendance every day when I am well enough.
- Ensure I arrive on time and in full uniform.
- Encourage Home Learning activities.
- Walk me to school where possible and if using the car, park safely and considerately.
- Attend Parent – Teacher events.
The School will:
- Provide a safe, caring, happy and stimulating environment for learning.
- Set high expectations of learning and behaviour and recognise all round achievement.
- Encourage children to do their best and promote a positive attitude to learning.
- Inform parents of their child’s progress.
- Provide parents with information about what goes on in school
- Contact parents if there is a concern about attendance, behaviour, progress or equipment